H.O.G Annual Congress 2005
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Photo report
Congress and Excursions
Neuchatel and its surroundings:
Paleolithic Arts in North Spain
Hugo Obermaier Gesellshaft
47th Annual Congress
held in Neuchatel, Switzerland, March 29 - April 2, 2005
in cooperation with Institute of Prehistory, University of Neuchatel; Latenium, Archeological Park and Museum of Neuchatel; Service cantonal d'archeologie de Neuchatel
Takeo Fukazawa / Texnai, Tokyo
The 47th annual congress of "Hugo Obermaier Gesellshaft(H.O.G)" (President Prof.Dr.Ludwig Reisch of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg) was held at the University of Neuchatel in Swiztherland this year from March 29 to April 2 in cooperation with Institute of Prehistory of the University of Neuchatel; Latenium, Archeological Park and Museum of Neuchatel; Service cantonal d'archeologie de Neuchatel.
The Hugo Obermaier Gesellshaft was originally founded in Gemany, but it is quite international today and organized by various kinds of members from many other countries in Europe. Even this year, approximately 100 members joined the congress from different countries such as Poland, Czech, Romania, Austria, Belgium, France, Gemany, Switzerland. Neuchatel is the town where I spent a part of my student days as well, so the annual congress of H.O.G. of this year became a quite impressive event for myself.
Like every year the congress was executed over 5 days inluding 3 days of academic presentations and 2 days excursions. Excursion is a greate pleausre for all of us. This year, as the excursions, we visited a couple of archeological sites located around Neuchatel such as Pierre a Bot that is known as remains of Drift Stones of Ice Age, Middle Paleolithic Cave of Cotencher, Underwater Archeologcal sites around the Lake of Biel.
[photo] University of Neuchatel, Main Building
 Photo album is here.
March 29 (Tuesday)
Opening of the congress
- Welcome addresses by Prof. Dr. Michel Egloff, Director of Latenium, Archeological Park and Museum of Neuchatel
- Opening of the congress by the President of the Society, Prof. Dr. Ludwig REISCH, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
[photo] President of the H.O.G. Prof. Dr. Ludwig REISCH at the opening ceremony.
Reception at the Latenium, Archeological Park and Museum of Neuchatel:
- Greeting: Prof. Dr. M. Egloff, Director of Latenium, Archeological Park and Museum of Neuchatel
- Greeting: Prof. Dr. Ludwig REISCH, President of H.O.G, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Greeting: Dean of the University of Neuchatel
[photo] Director of Latenium, Prof. Dr. M. Egloff at the welcome speach.
Section 1: Recent researches on Paleolithic Culture
- Prof. Dr. Reinhard GAUPP, Dipl. Geol. Ivonne KAMRADT & Prof. Dr. Clemens PASDA (Jena):
The excavations in 2003-2004 at the middle paleolithic layers of Bilzingsleben(Thuringen).
- Dr. Wilfried ROSENDAHL (Mannheim) & Dr. habil. Bruno MAUREILLE (Bordeaux):
Le Moustier 1 to 4, hominids remains from the lower Abri of Le Moustier.
- Dr. Gaelle ROSENDAHL (Mannheim):
The upper layers of La Micoque and the Micoquien.
- Philip R. NIGST M.A. (Vienna):
The early Aurignacien Age of WillendorfII, layer 3: results of the analysis of her Stone Industry technology.
- Prof. Dr. Nicholas J. CONARD & Dr.Susanne C. MUNZEL (Tubingen):
New fluteing tones from the Aurignacien Age. Mammoth ivory flute from the Geissenkluterle with Blaubeuren.
- Dr. Jordi SERANGELI (Tubingen):
The influence of the environment on the Paleolithic art.
- Luc MOREAU M.A. (Tubingen):
The Gravettien of the Geissenkluterle: techno-typologische investigations of the stone industry.
March 30 (Wednesday):
Section 2: Chronology
- Dr. Thomas WEBER (Magdeburg) & Prof. Dr. Dieter SCHAEFER (Innsbruck):
Basic technology as a date criterion?
- PD Dr. Michael BOLU (Tubingen):
Chronological differences or functional Variabilitate? New findings to the arrangement of the Swabian Aurignacien.
- Dr. Maria KNIPPING, Dipl. Biol. Ilse BOEREN, Dr. Hans-Peter STIKA & Prof. Dr.Manfred KUPPERS (Hohenheim):
Dendro-ecologic investigations and pollens as well as macro remain analyses of the late glacial wood of Reichwalde, Oberlausitz.
- PD Dr.Thomas TERBERGER (Greifswald):
The beginning of the Mesolithic Culture in the lowland - result of an immigration?
- Dr. Harald LUBKE (Schwerin):
The submarine finding place Jaekelberg-Huk in the Wismar bay, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. New discovery of the cultural development of the Late Mesolithic Age in southwest Baltic Sea area.
- Dr. Bernhard WENINGER (Koeln) & Dr. Olaf JoeI (Neuwied):
Climate Archaeology with the Cologne Program Package 'CalPal' - Timescales, problem and Archaeological Applications.
Section 3: New researches on the Upper Paleolithic and the Late Glaciel Age:<br>
- Prof. Dr. Gerhard TRNKA (Vienna):
The Upper Paleolithic stations of Alberndorf in the Pulkautal in northern Lower Austria(Wine quarter).
- Dr. Leif STEGUWEIT (Erlangen):
Utility model in "ivory cylinders" from the Upper Paleolithicsite in Lower Austria and Moravia.
- Dr. Mircea ANGHELINU, Loredana NITA M.A., Monica MARGARIT M.A .& Mariana PLESA M.A. (Targoviste, Romania):
The Upper Palaeolithic site from Poiana Ciresului Piatra-Neamt (Romania) and some thoughts on the Gravettian cultural variability in North-Eastern Romania.
- Dr. Margit BACHNER (Wien):
New results to the discovery of a grave hole ditch with chambers (Lower Austria).
- Prof. Dr. Pawel VALDE-NOWAK (Cracow):
Hlomcza, the most eastern Magdalenien in the light of TL dating.
- Carmen LIEBERMANN M.A. (Attain):
The stone artifacts of the Petersfels from the excavations by Eduard Peters.
- Dipl. Phil. Ingmar BRAUN (CH - Bettingen):
The art of the Swiss Magdalenien.
- Dipl. Phil. Nicole PLUMETTAZ (Neuchatel):
Construction and functional way of the Magdalenien fireplaces of Monruz: one model to the understanding of the distribution of cliff rock in the Upper Paleolithic
residential spaces.
- Dr. Gernot TROMNAU (Duisburg):
Remarks to the gap between Schleswig - Holstein and the middle Order in the spread area of the Hamburg culture.
Common Dinner in the Maison of the Halles
March 31 (Thursday):
Section 4: New researches to the Holozan
- Prof. Dr. Walter LEITNER (Innsbruck):
Mesolithic settlement chamber Kleinwalsertal.
- PD Dr. Michael BAALES(Olpe):
The stone-temporal discovery of the Bilsteinhoele in the south-western mountainous region.
- Thomas BEUTELSPACHER M.A. (Esslingen):
The excavations in the mesolithic site of Rottenburg "7 lime-trees", KreisTubingen (Baden-Wurtemberg).
- Prof. Dr. Claus-Joachim CHILD (Esslingen):
What You sea Is What You Get --- transport of Silex-raw material in the Mesolithic South West Germany.
- Claus Stephan HOLDERMAN M.A., Dr. Alfred PAWLIK, Prof. Dr. Dieter SCHAEFER & Josef Ullmann (Innsbruck):
Aspects of the functional reconstruction on the Old Mesolithic alpine site Ullafelsen (Stubaier Alps / North Tirol).
- Dr. Elisabeth STEPHAN (Konstanz):
Discovery of animal bone in Rottenburg "Froebelweg". A contribution to the economic way in the oldest band ceramics.
- Dr. Paul GLEIRSCHER & Mag. Dr. Martina PACHER (Vienna):
Reconstruction of environment and chronology in the SO-Alpine edge with the help of the archaeological and paleontologic remains from the Griffener limestone cave, Kaernten.
- Dr. Mircea ANGHELINU (Targoviste, Romania):
State, nation and the past: an outline of the prehistoric research in Romania.
- Dr. Daniel RICHTER (Leipzig):
Chronometric dating methods and chronology. Examples from the Paleolithic of the Near East.
- Prof. Dr. Dr . h. c. Burkhard FRENZEL, emerit. (Hohenheim):
Difficulties of the C14 dating in a permafrost ground area --- the example Hochtibets.
- Takeo Fukazawa (Texnai, Tokio):
Introduction to La Garma Cave of Northern Spain and its Upper Paleolithic Arts by using PhotoVR database "Paleolithic Arts in Northern Spain", Edition 2004 including a couple of Stereoscopic 3D photos.
Meeting of the members ( with election of the board of directors)
Excursion I :
 Photo album is here.
April 1(Friday): Surroundings of Neuchatel and the lake of Biel:
Management: Burkhard, Egloff / Muller / Leesch, Hafner
- Pierre-a-Bot (or Pierre Crapaud): Inspection of gigantic drift stone that was tranported upto the place from Mont-Blanc by the ancient glacier of Rhone.
- Rochefort: Inspection of the Cave of Cotencher, the Middle Paleolithic site in Swizerland.
- Lunch in the restaurant "Le Vaisseau", Cortaillod.
- Neolithic and Bronze Age sites by the Lake of Biel: Inspection of the underwater archeological site.
- Apelo, offered by the dept.of archeology, Canton de Bern.
Excursion II:
 Photo album is here.
April 2(Saturday): Northern foothills of the Alps and Luzerner Middle Land
Management: Schluchter/ Preusser, Ammann, Nielsen
- Thalgut-Kirchdorf : Inspection of the gravel pit
- Inspections Gerzensee
- Wauwil: Inspections of Paleolithic sites of Soppensee etc.
Poster Presentation:
- Prof. Dr. N. CONARD, Holger DIETL M.A., Phillip TURNER M.A .? Felix HILLGRUBE M.A. (Tubingen):
From the AcheulŽen till Neolithic period. Scenery use in the Damascus province, Syria.
- Dr.Doris DOEPPES(Darmstadt):
New dating results of the Salzofen Cave, Totes Gebirge, Austria.
- Mag. Thomas EINWOEGERER & Mag. Ulrich SIMON(Wien):
The Gravettien from Krems-Hundssteig --- Silex artifacts and the activity zone.
- Sven FELDMANN M.A. (Erlangen):
The Mesolithic culture in Germany. Development and analysis of the research.
- Prof. Dr. Markus FIEBIG (Vienna) & Dr. Frank PREUSSER (Bern):
High terraces from the Wurm age--- the second part of the investigations.
- Dr. Florian A. FLADERER and Tina SALCHER (Vienna):
The Gravettien from Krems-Hundssteig--- Subsistenz and activity zones.
- Dr. Markus FUCHS (Bayreuth):
Geoarcheology: image of the working group.
- Dr.Petra KIESELBACH, Dr.Harald FLOSS & Prof. Dr. Nicholas J. CONARD(Tubingen):
Technological concept of silex production in Gravettien of Hohle Fels, Schelklingen (Alb-Donau-Kreis).
- Dr.Ricarda MUSSIG(Karlsrube):
Homo delineans: When and why the Capacity of Drawing became crucial in the evolution of modern humanity.
- Dr. Christine NEUGEBAUER-MARESCH and qualified engineer Marc H\NDEL (Vienna):
The Gravettien of Krems-Hundssteig --- excavations and Stratigraphie.
- Prof. Dr. Katharina von SALIS (Silvaplana,CH):
Stone blocks in passport routes in the Oberengadin (Switzerland SE) , Part I and II (2 posters)
- Olaf ULLRICH(Dresden) & Michele DINIES (Berlin):
Mapping and reconstructions of the beautiful landscape of stone age in the eastern Germany.
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